Friday, August 10, 2012


The very word Tabernacle is the Hebrew word Succot derives from the Old Hebrew  cukkah.  The Tent of the Tabernacle also referred to as the Tent of Meeting and was depicted a temporary dwelling place for YHVH G-D.  It was an earthly replica of the Holy Dwelling Place in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm. Within the artifacts, signs and symbols of the Tabernacle, the Creator shows us a picture of our Journey while traveling this earth towards a ‘more excellent Way’.   
In the Revelatory-Writing Stewards of the Gospel, We briefly broke down the four major levels of the Tabernacle. The entire Complex was the Tabernacle, which includes the Outer Court, the Inner Court, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or the Holy of Holies. The direction into the Temple could only be approached the Way designed which depicts the only way to approach and or enter in to the Divine Presence.  The Gate was located to the east.  Therefore, when entering the Tabernacle one would be facing the west, which is opposite of the sun worshipers who faced the sun toward the east.

Along the Outer Court-yard is where the Priests reside and where the masses came and offered their sacrifices to the Priests.  The Priests quarters, the Singers chambers, kitchens etc were lined between the Outer Court and the Inner Court of the Sanctuaries making up the 7-foot wall that divided the Complex from the Camp.  Beyond the Outer Courts was the Camp where the multitudes dwelt.  The multitudes are the righteousness of G-D whether the acts they performed are acts of righteousness or not.  However,  because they have not yet died to a self life in order to  have been resurrected into a sacrificial life, they have not received the mind of a Christ to walk in a more excellent way.   They do not know how to yield to that which dwells within them. 

Within the Inner Courts was the Alter of Burnt Offering and the Bronzed Laver filled with water for purification. The Hebrew word for alter means ‘to stay’  or  ‘slaughter’.  The word ‘alta’  is a Latin word which means ‘high’.  The Alter was raised and was a depiction of  Christ the MESSIAH being raised as our sacrifice and where those who are to stay who has put on the Mind of Christ’s, being ‘slaughtered’ or put to death to their ego’s to dwell on ‘high’. Those who served within the Inner Courts have gone through the process of purification who has offered themselves up as a true testimony or sacrificial dwelling in the Unity of Love with the brothers. They had to be pure that they would not die before a  Holy Divine Creator. They are the Righteousness of G-D who are walking in the more excellent way while their inner man is being changed from faith to faith and glory to glory. 
Both the Holy Place and the Most Holy place were sectioned off inside the Tent of the Testimony.
The Priests would pass through  into the Holy Place. Those who  journeyed into the Holy Place received instructions and revelations to relay back to those who dwelling in the General Assembly as priests. Contained in the Holy Place was the Table of Show Bread also called the Bread of Presence, the 7-pronged Menorah and the Alter of Incense, which represents the prayers of the saints.

Beyond the Holy Place there were stairways elevating up into the Most Holy Place. The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies were both covered under the same Tent called the Tent of Testimony. The Veil, of course, separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place and shielded the Priests who entered into the Holy Place to do the work of the Sanctuary. Within the Most Holy place was the Mercy Seat where the Divine Presence would descend at a prescribed time of the year.  This was the only time that the High Priest could enter into the Most Holy Place—the Day of Atonement.  Under the Mercy Seat was the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the Tablets of Stone (Ten Commandments), the Jar of Manna and Arron's Budded Rod.

When the Temple was built in Jerusalem, it was the exact replica of the Tabernacle. Both the temporary abode and the Temple were built to Divine specifications. Regardless of what the experts quibble over, YHVH revealed unto me that The Temple was built upon the Highest of seven hills in Jerusalem called Mt. Zion in the City of David. 

The Feast of Tabernacles which is also known as the Feast of Booths was a Holy Convocation of Observance given to the people.  When we observe the reason for the Tabernacle, it points us toward our journey of this “more excellent way”. The Feast of Tabernacles represents the holiest signs of the Covenant and our love and reverence towards YAH G-D as Creator.  As important, the Feast of Tabernacles is the day that the Creator came to ‘Tabernacle’ in man as a Christ.  The Feast of Tabernacles, is when the Divine One come to earth in flesh to remove the Veil in order to reveal the more perfect way thereby man could be restored back into the Perfect Image and likeness as gods! 
Our perfect Way and example, was inaugurate through the Fleshly Body of one called EMMANUEL-- G-D with us.  

The Tabernacle was a temporary dwelling place for The Creator just as the temporary booths or temporary tabernacle refers to the temporary dwelling places for the people. 

These temporary dwellings used by the people during the forty years of wanderings, emphasized the notion of trust in the Creator’s Divine Protection, care and love.  The Succah is purposely exposed and the roof insecure denoting we as the people are exposed and vulnerable to the elements of the World and how without Divine Protection, Covering and intervention in our lives we would not make it out of that wilderness desert into Life, Peace and Plenteous.  Of importance is that Succot (the Feast of Tabernacles) was tied into the final harvest of the year ‘after the ingathering’.  These are seasons for rejoicing indeed when G-D in flesh came to Tabernacle in man.  It is in the Feast of Tabernacles that was and is a picture and a view into G-D in Man as I AM.

It is important that we know EVERYTHING the Creator did was a part of the Divine Plan for his creations--mankind.  The Creator did not make any mistakes!  For us to even think that The Creator of the Universe and worlds made a mistake in establishing Order and the Original Will, which we call the Old Testament, is asinine. For us to think that He was imperfect in the implementation of establishing a Covenant that He said oops, I must create a new Will because this Old One is not good enough and it is too difficult for my children to keep my Commandments. Oh My, I forgot to add Grace, is totally completely absurd!  Either concept comes against the Creators Integrity and Deity!

Therefore, for those of you who are making excuses because you do not keep the Commandments nor teach others to do so, let’s put Truth into its perspective!  For those of you who thinks that the Law is a curse and that if one keeps the Law they are cursed, you need to relinquish your position, renew your mind and be disciplined under a man or woman who can tear down those dysfunctional strongholds and place a stronger foundation for higher Truths to be built upon. “The Will is not the Law it is a legal document which the Law protects.” 

The Veil that separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place represented crucifixion of the Flesh.   When Emmanuel died on the Cross the Veil was rent in half providing us with a way thereby we could have direct access. The Veil was not to keep the Holy Presence contained within the Holy of Holies it was to protect us from the awesome holy presence because we are (were) but sinful flesh.  No flesh, no sin could come before G-D and live. This divider was so that man could not irreverently enter into the Presence and to show that Holiness is to be given great reverence and honor. However, it is to dwell inside this TENT is our inheritance and purpose for our lives!  We are to show a Holy Divine Creator to the world!  Not ram religion down their throats! As I have said many times, we must die to our self-will, ego, mind and emotions; this is the ‘first death’! We then can be resurrected into a life of sacrifice to enter into the Holy Place.

It is so very important for us to know those ‘Pictures’, ‘types’ and ‘shadows’  were given to us in the Scriptures as prototypes, which  depict the route we are to take in our earthly travels to reach our predestined purpose.  Therefore, if one rejects the so-called Old Testament they not only reject the replica of Heaven, Zion, the New Jerusalem but the WAY to reach them!  

You have come to Zion and to the City of the Living G-D, the Heavenly Jerusalem and to myriads of angels, to the General Assembly; and Church of the Firstborn who are enrolled in heaven to G-D and to the spirits of Righteous  Made Perfect.

The General Assembly, which is in Zion, the Church of the Firstborn, which is in Zion, and the Spirits of the Righteous made perfect, are all in Zion and a part of the Body.  The RESTORED Body of Christ’s is ZION! 
There were three major sections of the Sanctuary within the Tabernacle.  The Inner Court, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. These three sections have three different distinctions and depict the way of the Chosen ones from the Outer Courts of the redeemed Called from the masses and those redeemed beyond the Outer Court in the Camp which represents the World.

The sacrifices were ceremonially clean and slaughtered. The Sacrifice was brought into the Inner Court.  The Laver was used to purify those who were offering up sacrifices.  This part of the Sanctuary can also be called the General Assembly. Those of the General Assembly are not concerned if they are one of those Elected to a higher Order or a part of the Five-Fold Ministry, they are one of the Called predestined to salvation and an inheritor of the Kingdom.

 Within the Holy Place are they who receive light and revelation.  They eat of the Show Bread, which represents the Presence and the Shecanniah Glory communing with us.  These intercede on behalf of the Saints, traversing into the General Assembly releasing Truth and Revelation they have received. The Holy Place can be referred to as the Church of the First Born.  Within the Church of the Firstborn are those who have been summoned out of the General Assembly to perform a specific task.  In this Order are they who operate within the Fivefold Ministry.   

Directly in front of the entry way to the Holy of Holies is the Alter of Incense represented as a Golden Bowl which are the prayers of the saints rising up into the Most Holy Place. Merely because the Veil was rent this does not give everyone access into the Holy of Holies.  However, all prayers come up into the Holy of Holies. All receive from the benefits of the ‘broken body’ and the shed blood of atonement.

Once the Chosen have eaten the Show Bread breaking bread in the Presence of and Communing with Spirit,  they will be given ability to appraise all things and are themselves can be judged of no one.  No one has the Mind of the Creator; however, the Elect have received the Mind of a Christ. The part of the Body Governed by the Elect who are Firstborn is called the Church of the Firstborn.  By Law, the Firstborn were particularly reserved and heirs of a double honor and inheritance. Therefore, the firstborn receives a double portion of the Father’s inheritance.  This gives firstborns special rights as Head of the family and as heirs.
These Firstborn has been enrolled in Heaven. They were ‘born’’ in ZION.   These have an intimate relationship with the Creator as Sons.  These Righteous ones made perfect or Teleios has reached at least the fourth level or higher in Spiritual Zion. Depicted in the Temple as the ‘Table of Show Bread’. These righteous ones are they who have reached maturity according to the measure of the stature of their fullness as a Christ in their Metron as apostle and prophet.

These Firstborn have become perfect or Teleios.  They are the beams, the Foundations and Feet for the Body and they minister in the Holy of Holies.  These are they who have Overcome and are the Pillar of Truth. Their acts conform to justice and righteousness without deficiency or failure.  These are the breakers.  They break up the fallow ground of religendom, tradition and the shackles of religious bondage.  They can and will lead others into Divine Union and fullness of a Christ to a perfect man because they are.  These are they who have a forerunner spirit who press through making straight the paths for the Body of Christ’s.  These are they who have been restored back into the Image and Likeness who has been transformed into the Foundations of ZION.

The Kingdom of Heaven is within the heart and mind of man.  The only way for anyone to receive his or her full inheritance is to put on the Mind of a Christ to come into a full earthly Inheritance of Divine Union at whatever level, Course or whatever their purpose.   Divine salvation and inheritance of the Kingdom is ours as we become Christ’s. Catch the vision!

Hotep Light One Love

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